Data sharing across multiple sectors, including law enforcement, clinical, social, and behavioral health requires strict adherence to privacy laws and patient rights to access. The Octavia-COMMUNITY consent management platform assists with digitizing existent paper releases of information, creation of up-to-date consent parties including write-in and out of area entities, while adhering to the requirements of 42 C.F.R. Part 2 and SAMHSA guidance for authorization form compliance.
Universal Consent Management
Octavia-COMMUNITY is a software solution that enables secure, coordinated, person-centered healthcare by meeting our community members where they are – in their home, in the clinic or in the field.
Multi-sector data exchange in a single shared platform enables providers across clinical and non-clinical services to coordinate What, When and Who responds to a need, minimizing omissions and duplications. This exchange of protected, private data requires a new kind of consent management system.

We believe that a thoughtful, secure and trusted data sharing authorization method is the cornerstone of a shared collaborative platform.

Octavia Multi-Agency Release of Information
Provides a comprehensive and effective authorization process which guides compliance, ensures fully informed consent and limits access to only those who "need to know".
Clear revocation process.
Ensures clients know what they are signing, what they are sharing, and how long it is effective.
Monitors expiry date/event alerts.
Real-time updates to changes in client consent conditions.
Rights, purposes and limitations are available in multiple languages with read-aloud functionality for non-reading persons.
Special circumstances (substance use, mental health, criminal legal system) data are managed with heightened regulation.
Reduces manual upkeep, data loss, data insecurity.
Able to integrate any paper consent form.

Needs assessments based on clinical and social determinants encourage appropriate referrals outside of customary or ingrained practice patterns. This helps providers with new perspectives, broader points of view, novel ways of collaborating to solve a problem that may not have been discovered otherwise. Referrals within our platform include an extensive database of local and regional providers who deliver services including food, shelter, financial assistance, caregiver support, transportation and more. Using a democratized, human-supported method of resource collection, our users have confidence that our hyper-local directory is up-to-date and relevant for the local community's unique requirements.

There are no wrong doors to entry. In the community, in the clinic or in the hospital, clients enter the Octavia-COMMUNITY with a consent to release information.
Octavia-COMMUNITY's optimization engine automates the needs assessment, suggests in-network resources, and provides a platform for closed-loop, warm referrals.
Mapping tools enable referrals to be made in accessible locations, with consideration of proximity to family members, workplace travel routes, public transit, walking distance and more, promoting follow through and better outcomes.
Building strong connections between CBOs and clinical resources delivers on the promise of a truly integrated, whole person care approach. Secure data exchange upon a single collaborative platform reduces lengths of stay, reduces avoidable hospital readmissions and excess emergency department utilization, and improves health outcomes.
Infrastructure and Security
HIPAA compliant
HMIS compatible
24 x 7 Availability
Continuous independent security assessments
Complies with CalHHS Health and Human Services Data Exchange Framework (DxF)
Meets archive and activity log requirements

Training and Development
Local knowledge and support
'At the elbow' live instruction and training
24x7 In-app online on-boarding
U.S. Based development / implementation/ support

Rapid Evolution Engineering
Product design support
Data element customization
Direct feedback-ability to lead programmers
Tailored user interface and user experience

Growth and Flexibility
Cloud based to readily expand to meet changing needs
Manages digital release of information + accepts paper systems
Rapid addition/edit of resource directory maintains currency
Minimal end user management
Organizes agencies, sub-agencies for added relationship management