Software solutions that create Communities of Care
Our Mission:
To provide technology that promotes the power of equitable, accessible healthcare delivery, enabling compassionate care for every community.
The combination of clinical health data with social determinants of health (SDOH) within the Octavia-COMMUNITY collaboration platform supports true whole person care. Secure data sharing across the community, CBOs and service providers, bolstered by automated needs assessments, relationship management and real-time client status updates are the tools your care team needs to optimize health outcomes in the years to come.
Automated Informatics May Increase the Detection Rate of Suspicious Cases of Human Trafficking – a preliminary study.
Identify Populations of Focus
Eliminate manual data mining.
Eliminate delayed and missed care.
Automated algorithms provide 24/7 sentry function to continuously scan incoming data. Targeted alerts customizable to person, place and time. Notifications in real time for eligible community support and care management services.
Our Services
Learn more about what makes up the Octavia-COMMUNITY
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Real-Time Dashboard Updates
Visualize trends, watch reports refresh on demand.
Actionable insight to enable immediate informed decisions.
Collaborative Cross-Sector Data Sharing
Avoid duplication of services.
Build networks of coordinated care providers.
Closed loop in-app referrals.
Digital Authorization of Release of Information
Consent management is organized, updated and shared in real-time.
Accommodates existing paper releases, write in entities.
Prompts for expiry events.
Spoken content in multiple languages for non-English speaking, non-reading persons.
Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Services provided in the community come from sources big and small. Collectively, they provide the backbone of equitable, accessible care. Octavia-COMMUNITY is available for all CBOs to work in a single collaborative platform, regardless of their unique data management systems. Risk stratification and SDoH needs assessments enable efficient matching of clients with resource referrals, coordination of care without duplication of services.
Hospitals, Emergency Departments, Clinics
Digestion and integration of clinical data from any EMR allows for de-siloed coordination, easing discharge planning, reducing lengths of stay, and promoting a true continuum of care. Extraction tools, real-time needs assessments, status alerts and decision support tools create a flexible data integration tool for use in day-to-day clinical operations. Our proprietary reporting, mapping and data mining tools are easy to use by end users without need for complicated report writing skills.
Universal Consent Management
Data sharing across multiple sectors, including law enforcement, clinical, social, and behavioral health requires strict adherence to privacy laws and patient rights to access. The Octavia-COMMUNITY consent management platform assists with digitizing existent paper releases of information, creation of up-to-date consent parties including write-in and out of area entities, while adhering to the requirements of 42 C.F.R. Part 2 and SAMHSA guidance for authorization form compliance.
We believe that the well-being of our communities depends on the health of all of us -
physically, mentally and spiritually.
We believe that we all have the right to equitable health, security and safety
without discrimination.
Join the Octavia-COMMUNITY in connecting people, services and clinical care to improve the health of all of us.